
Plotter / Scanner

Here are some pictures of the plotter I made a few years ago.
It took me about 4 years to develop the hardware to a point where nothing could be improved anymore. The Steppermotorcontrollers are controlled by a Z80 Pio chip,connected to a ZX Spectrum.

The penholder is connected to a motor by a line. The biggest problem I encountered was to drive the penholder without slip of the line. The line is going in the puly and is locked with screws on the top. The next picture gives an overview.

It's still working on the same ZX Spectrum as above in the picture, for wich the software was developed. The theory was 'Drawing a line in any direction' means that it can draw any circle, eclipse, line and that wend out to be true.

When everything worked well I started to develop a way to scan pictures.
Detailes in the next drawing.

The head can be placed in the penholder. By moving the head left to right and up, the images below are read in. Paper white becomes a 0 and ink black becomes a 1. Only black/white pictures can be read. Below is a scanned picture and the photograph from wich the picture was scanned.