I started with computers in 1982, with a ZX Spectrum. After developing a EPROM programmer, the standard 16K ROM and 48k RAM where soon changed to 128k ROM and 256k RAM, bankswitched. While I learned more about it, my knowledge made me capable of creating hardware to connect to the 'Spec'. Near the end of the Spectrum era I had build two custom computers, a desktop version wth a large keyboard, a mobile version with a small monitor build in and a fold down keyboard, and a A3 Plotter using a Z80PIO chip and my own software to control it.

In 1998 I started with a small notebook and a second hand PC, creating things for MSDOS and Linux. The Plotter was changed to A2 and controlled by a 16 bit PIO via the parallel port.

I'm not an inventor, more an artist with the knowledge of creating things as cheap as possible. Most things I build are existing and can be bought right from the net, but.........there's no fun in that. My last creation, the 3DPrinter '3DDIE' has about 80 euro's on parts.

The menu on the left will get you to all information on this site. Most pages are in English, some also in Dutch.

You need to check the LIFE HACKING site.
All the new content is placed here in a compleet new setup

Have lots of fun!!


model railway  

Model Railroad

Starting building a track with Marklin H0 in the 1990's, was a lot of fun. Ten years later I found the means to build a smaller track using Maklin Z. Here are some descriptions and pictures of how they are created. Most recent is the trainset I created for LGB !


PIC MCU Hard- and Software

Starting in 2009 with exploring Microcontrollers, I started with a Cypress chip but that did't work out ! After gathering information on Microchip Microcontrollers I started creating small projects.
Here you can find information on some projects I did regarding MCU's and other modules.


FlightSim Hard- and Software

My interest in flying extends from FS5 and X-Plane 6 to the most recent version of P3D, X-Plane 10 and IVAO. Here you can find all sorts of info of hard- and software I created through the years.


PC Hard- and Software

After building my first Plotter in 1988, it was fun making it A2 size and get it to work on, first a 16I/O PIO unit, and later on USB via a MCU. Then the CNCtable was born which I used for creating a extruder for the most recent project, a 3D printer called 3DDIE !



Starting electronics in the 70's, I made a lot of circuits. Some dont't even exist anymore. Here you can find some old, non-MPU, circuits.



If you want to build something, you'll need tools to do so. Here are the non-MPU tools and utilities I have worked on.

SCUMARI TEC 1998-2019