Controlling a small servo motor with a microcontroller is big fun. You only need one digital output per motor. With small motors, drivers are not necessary. The pulses depends on the motor used but I had good results with the following:


The shorter the puls distance, the faster it goes.

With this knowledge, for me, it was time to create things

Cat's toy

Cat's toy


This is a small rotator for the cat. It has a PIC16F1503 MCU and one servo motor. The MCU randomizes a position and the servo motor goes to it. Repeating this every 100 - 200ms the cap rotates randomly and rapidly. The cat loves it.........sometimes.

Webcam control

There also was an experiment for controlling the position of a webcam by a PC via USB. The PIC18F14K50 was configured for a virtual serial port on USB connection. In this way I could control the camera with a small VB6 program.

camera   Cam

cam2   control

Check the YouTube film below.

Robot arm for fun

A great toy, even for a guy of my age, is a robot arm. To build one myself was even better. The first part to create was the griphand.

When one uses a graphand as a grip tool, it should be fully turnable. To get the biggest turn rate was a chalange.




robot   rb2

The griphand can't handle a lot of weight, so, toilet rolls or something equivalent should do it for now.


All servo motors and stepper motor for turning, are controled by a PIC18F4550 MPU. A I2C memory chip can hold the positions of the motors.

rbw   rbc

After recording multiple movements in a program stack, that stack can be recalled and run. More stacks can be combined.

rbw   rbc


Check the YouTube film below.